Friday, December 30, 2011

In 2012, Get Brand New on 'Em

In hours, this year, 2011, is done. Like me, perhaps you are thinking about 2012. How you can make it better, sweeter, richer than 2011. So, how do we expand into greater goodness? Let me share just a few things that I think can make a difference.

1. Get Brand New 'Em - That is, forget about who you were yesterday. Be brand new today. Rather than living inside an old, tired story that limits you, why not embrace a whole new story about you? Never mind what your family and friends will say, this is YOUR life! Live it on your terms. Just like they can't die for you, they can't live for you. Shucks, whether we succeed, or fail, people will find something to say about us. Why not give 'em something juicy to talk about, get brand new on 'em!

2.Know You're the Stuff - What we think about, we bring about. Go ahead, think you're wonderful, fabulous, gorgeous, pretty damn special. Go on, you making all this stuff up anyway. Why not make up things that empower you. Dump those old, limiting thoughts that tell you what you ain't, what you can't do and adopt empowering thoughts about you that kick your life into high gear. You think you're powerful, gorgeous, and compelling long enough you'll have the rest of us thinking the same thing about you.

3. Leap - Take a leap of faith, forward. Just because you've never written a book, that don't mean you can't write one in 2012. Okay, okay, the unknown can be a b&!#h! So what? Guess what, what you're doing now was once a mystery to you. Now it's old hat. You weren't born knowing how to read, ride a bike, network, dance, do hair. You learned though, didn't you? You might have fell off that bike 10 times, but you kept at it didn't you? I went to college scared to death. You would have thought I was headed to the guillotine. I was even scared while I applied to law school! During the seven years that it took me to complete my book Love Addicted, I experienced every kind of fear imaginable. It's absolutely okay to be afraid, so long as you don't let fear immobilize you. Make that call, it could alter the trajectory of your life. Start that business. Take a public speaking class. Write that book. Remember, even a small leap forward is better than another big idea that you never put into action.

4. Stay With It - People don't get what they want in life because they quit at the smallest sign of difficulty. When I took yoga, the instructor would walk softly about the room, observing folks in their various awkward poses, look at them knowingly and say gently, "Staaaaaayyyyyy with it." He knew our minds and bodies were experiencing discomfort. He also knew expansion in mind and body would only occur if we staaaaaaayyyyed with it. Resist the urge to flicker from one thing to the next every time things get sticky. Every time you gotta do something new. Every time you get scared. Like the infamous they say, anything worth having requires some work. If the Great Spirit known as God gave it to you, it'll work. You'll have to push through the discomfort to experience the joys of sweet success.

5. Know YOU - If you don't know you, then you don't know what you want. If you don't know you, then you will be clueless about what gifts you came to give the world. Stop trying to keep up with the Kardashians and tune into you! Meditate, pray, journal, walk in nature. Also, make friends with people you wouldn't mind being mistaken for, people you admire, think highly of, people you're impressed with. Hang out with people who build you up, people who think you're pretty special too, people who can see when you're not living up to your potential and will lovingly call you on it.

6. Grow Your Skills - No matter how long you meditate and how loud you pray, if you know how to use a computer or write a business plan, you better ask something...for some help. Prayer and meditation do what they do, then we've got to move our feet. We've got to invest in ourselves with books, courses, classes, CDs, DVDs and the like. If you don't, you will tread water forever. But if you want to swim to the other shore, then you've got to learn the things you don't know. What you choose not to learn, hire the right people to assist you. People like website designers, graphic artists, editors, public relations gurus, etc. Oh, and there's a whole world of free information out there. See below how you can get my FREE e-book.

7. Take Care of You - Eat good, wholesome foods. Drink lots of water. Exercise regularly. Have fun. Laugh out loud. Go someplace you've only dreamed of going. Get massages. Go dancing. Spend time with people you adore. Let go of toxic people. Cease to spend time with people who only tolerate you. Surround yourself with people that celebrate you. Dream BIG! Take action, even baby steps will get you there. Enjoy the journey!

I promise you, if you take just one of these steps you will transform your life!

Smooches! DeBora
Be sure to buy a copy of my book, Love Addicted
To read an excerpt of Love Addicted and my soon to be released new book, Why Did He Break Up With Me? and download my FREE e-book on How to Write a Book that $ell visit

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