I meditated this morning, as I do most mornings. About five minutes in, a voice asked me this question, "Why wouldn't you be worthy?" Well, sitting there on my bed the tears started to flow, which is a sign that that question came not from my monkey mind but from God, from Spirit. And so IT asked me again, "Why wouldn't you be worthy?" I knew what it was asking me, why wouldn't I be worthy of having my heart desires. Why wouldn't I be worthy of having my wildest dreams come true? I sat with the question a while, my face wet with tears.
Worthy of what? you might ask. Worthy of the big life, getting paid to speak nationally and internationally, being on bestsellers lists, traveling to beautiful, faraway places for business and pleasure with family and friends, spending, sharing, tithing large sums of money because I CAN, decorating the home of my dreams exquisitely, having harmonious, fun, mutually supportive relationships, loving and being loved by someone who adores, respects, likes me, enjoying radiant health in mind, body, and spirit.
As far as I can see, the only reason you or I doubt that we're worthy of the good and plenty life is because we have fallen prey to others' opinions about us. Based on our race, gender, age, sexual orientation, size, education, background, childhood, and the like some well-meaning and not so well meaning people have told us, based on who they've decided we are what we deserve and what is possible for us. Problem is, we tend to believe them. Well, we've been lied to. All of the reasons we believe we aren't worthy of this or that are based on things that don't matter. Tell me, how does the color of your skin dictate what God can use you for? How does your choice in mate determine how wise you are? At what point in your life are you ready to start or stop giving to the world? See what I mean? Because we're but vessels and channels for Spirit it matters not what size dress Oprah wears or whether Wayne Dyer was an orphan. And if these things matter at all they merely seek to show us we can transcend any seeming limitation to be, do and have whatever we desire to be, do, and have.
Why wouldn't you be worthy of that life you long to live? So, the next time your monkey mind tells you you can't be, do, or have something demand for it to give you a GOOD reason for why you aren't worthy of it. When we get that we've done nothing, said nothing, experienced nothing that can destroy our worthiness to live the Good & Plenty life, now we're truly awakened.
Love you!
DeBora M. Ricks
Speaker & Author of Love Addicted: One Woman's Spiritual Journey Through Emotional Dependency and the soon to be released, Why Did He Break Up With Me? Lessons in Love, Loss & Letting Go
Buy Love Addicted at www.DeBoraRicks.com
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