Saturday, September 22, 2012

Toot Your Own Horn

I was in a meeting today, where other staff were recognized, while I, a volunteer, was overlooked. Shame welled up me, as I sat there in silence. Unless you've experienced having been overlooked, when you fully expected to be acknowledged and thus appreciated, you don't understand.

My feelings were so overwhelming that at times they distracted me. Finally, I raised my hand and introduced myself, though not very eloquently. Still, I did it. I honored myself. I recognized me. I did it even as tears welled in my eyes. You see, growing up I'd learned to be seen but not heard, which in actuality amounts to not being seen.

Well, I tooted my own horn! Yay for me. We need not wait for permission to be seen and heard, we have the right and power to do that. If you don't, it might never happen. Go for it, even as your voice it!

DeBora M.Ricks
Read an excerpt & buy Love Addicted at


  1. Thank you for inspiring so many to believe and honor themselves!

    1. How interesting life is. Though at times I lose sight of this, I am committed to honoring me. Because we are more alike than we are different, when I believe in and honor me...I also give others "permission" to do the same. Thats such an honor, to inspire others. I appreciate your comment and support.

  2. I think it was great! Today's meeting, was out of the norm, a bit...probably because it started 15 minutes late, and they wanted to catch up in an effort to remain "on schedule." However, typically, we start with introductions. So sorry you felt that way, but you're not the only volunteer there. Most of that room, including myself, and the entire "money making/generating" Gospel team do NOT get 1 copper coin...ever. Although I'm a producer and on-air host, it's 100% voluntary and unpaid. Welcome! :)

    1. Jaye, it's an "inside" thing for me. That is, my comments were about and for me. Largely. I'm not there for recognition. And I'm aware that most of the folks there are volunteers. I'm simply on a mission to honor me. To love me. To treasure me. There have been too many times when my gut told me to "take care" of me and I didn't take heed. My gut told me to speak up, so I did.

      You would have to know me and know my journey to fully understand what's behind this post. When a woman's on a mission, well uh, she's on a mission! You know what I mean? Thanks for the welcome!
