Monday, October 15, 2012

The Old You Must Die If...

A dear friend of mine is "battling" cancer. The reason I put quotation marks around the word "battling" is because I resist embracing anything that has to do with war and fighting. And yet, fight is sometimes precisely what we must do when faced with a physical, financial, relational, emotional challenge that appears bigger than us. 

I spoke with my friend this morning. I asked her if she'd like for me and some of our mutual sister friends to come over and pray with her. What I had in mind actually was having some sort of service, like church, with her. See, the cancer has caused her to lose her looks. And she only leaves the house to make medical appointments and go to the market. I waited for her answer, kind of. I can be passionately impatient. I kept talking. I said, "I'm here for you...and I know Z and L would be glad to meet me at your house." 

These are difficult times for many people. Familiar systems are crumbling.  Old ways of being in the world are no longer working. People are losing their health, jobs, homes, relationships, old identities. And don't blame the economy. The world as we once knew is rightfully dissolving. It's all in divine order. Old things must pass away if new things are to emerge. Old ways of being in the world must collapse, if new ways of being in the world are to have the space to unfold. It's scary, yes. It hurts, yes. Until we learn to trust...that all is in divine order. We are always provided for, no matter external appearances. 

I know from experience. I lost a job last year. A part of me happily embraced this freedom to now step boldly into a new world without the encumbrances of a nine-to-five and a "boss." Months later, fear started to move in. I recommitted myself to my spiritual practices, which I share below. Then the truth started to dawn:  There is a POWER...that I get to CREATE whatever I can imagine! I, however, must cease to believe the lie, that external circumstances have any power.  That POWER is available to YOU too! You can choose to use it to create what you desire, or not. It's your choice. 

Maybe you're in the throes of massive change due to an illness, loss of job, relationship, home, or identity. I want to help you remember a few things that will make a difference in whether you sink into depression or swim easily with the current:
  1. Stop labeling the experience "bad." It's neither good nor bad. It just IS. 
  2. SURRENDER. Flow with change. Something new wants to emerge. Let it. 
  3. Grow your FAITH: Meditate. Pray. Be still. Dwell in the silence, daily.  
  4. Read spiritually uplifting books, blogs, magazines, daily.  
  5. Immerse yourself in a spiritually nourishing, loving and supportive community. 
  6. Cease to believe everything you think. 
  7. Remember the TRUTH: You are one with God. How can you be one with the Almighty God and be weak and powerless?  What lies within you is greater than ANY circumstances out there.  
  8. Use Affirmations and Denials to affirm what is truth and deny and thus dissolve the lies you tell yourself about you, your place in the world, and your possibilities. All things are possible, with God. 
Remember, the old you must die so that the new you may be born. The new you is a powerful being of light and love. But only as you face your most daunting fears will your light shine forth brightly for those still lost to see, be inspired by, and find their way back to their perfection and power. This, I'm convinced, is what we have come here to do, to find our way out of the that we may lead others to the light. 

Your Fellow Lightworker,

DeBora M. Ricks
Editor/Author/Empowerment Speaker
Executive Producer of The Anthony McCarthy Show, 
WEAA, 88.9 FM 

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