Monday, April 15, 2013

I Dropped the Ball

Lebron James Picked up the Ball
In a radio interview I made an excuse as to why I hadn't blogged for months. "I'm working on getting a Wordpress blog, for more visibility," I said. That's true. And still, even as those words rolled off my tongue something in me knew I was making an excuse. Something in me knew the truth: I'd dropped the ball. I'd dropped the ball when I stopped blogging, when I ceased to do something that I'd committed to doing, something that matters to me, something I'm meant to do, something that honors the commitment that I made to myself to give to the world through the written word.

So, let me confess the truth to you: I dropped the ball. That's what came to me as I walked through Druid Hill Park the other day. Before I fessed up though, I beat myself up. You understand, we tend to beat ourselves up when don't keep the commitments we ourselves. Or we fail to live up to our own self-concept. As soon as I was able to tell myself the truth not only did I feel better but I freed myself to do something about the dropped ball.

What's more I had an epiphany. Yes, I'd dropped the ball. So has Lebron James. Still James is deemed one of the best basketball players of all times. Ray Lewis has dropped his share of balls. Still he took the Baltimore Ravens to the Super Bowl. James and Lewis are winners. You know why? They are winners because when they drop a ball they bend down and pick it
up. Yup, that's what winners do. Winners don't make excuses for why they dropped the ball. Winners don't stand there staring at the ball on the floor. Winners bend over and pick up the ball and keep playing the game.

Okay, you've dropped a ball or two too. But guess what, if you stay in the game you are playing to win. So the next time you drop a ball, waste no time explaining, lying, denying what you've done. Shucks, humans drop balls. Just make sure you stay in the game. Either pick the ball up, or decide it's not your ball to play. Whatever you do, stay in the game and play to win!

DeBora M. Ricks
Why Did He Break Up With Me? Lessons in Love, Loss & Letting Go

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