Thursday, April 25, 2013

I SHALL be Organized!

I was talking to a sister friend when I told her I was in the throes of getting more organized. Brandy said she too works hard at being organized. Aaah, I'm not alone. I have two friends whose pictures, seriously, deserve to be in the dictionary next   to the word "organized." I want to be like them.

For me getting organized means I now have a place for my piles of papers, magazines and clothes that seem to mysteriously accumulate without any assistance on my part. Not to mention those pesky miscellaneous items that I just can't seem to categorize, well, they will at last find a resting place. I guess that's why there's even such a category as "miscellaneous," right... some things just defy categorization.

Anywho. I'm excited about having more order.

Getting organize also means having more structure in my days. I'm a writer. I'm creative. (Uh, as are you.) I usually work from home. I'm an entrepreneur. For the most part, nobody tells me when this or that has to be done. I have no supervisor. No boss. I'm it. This I like. I'm also a free spirit. And yet, I need, want and shall be organized! You hear me, I will be one of those people that people hate, cuz I'ma be organized. Probably not. People might hate me for some other reason, but being super organized probably won't be one of them. But one never knows, right? Stranger things have happened.

Anywho, I've started. I forced myself to put more structure in my days. If you're not like my friend Angel, who has one of the most beautifully organized homes on the eastern seaboard,  then you might need to get organized too. Let's get organized together!

Already, since writing down what I'll be doing on what days I am soooooooo much more productive! No kidding. I leave you with this: Don't be afraid to write down what you'll do on what day. You can make changes if need be. You create structure by having a plan. Ink in what you do each day of the week, then do it. I'm with you. We're in this together. Woohoo!

DeBora M. Ricks
Why Did He Break Up With Me? Lessons in Love, Loss & Letting Go
Visit my website!

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