Monday, September 2, 2013

Be Delicious. Be Irresistible to Men

Wrapped in each other’s arms, fully clothed, I ran my hands up and down his hard back. He rose up, looked me in the eyes and said, “You make me feel like a man. You make me glad to be a man.”

He’d said that before. Many times. I understood.  I knew what I was doing. It was intentional. I’ve not always known how to do that, but now I do.

Do you know how to make a man feel like a man? Maybe you don’t. Maybe you’ve forgotten, or never knew. But here are a few of my secrets for making a man glad he’s a man.

1.     Like or Leave ‘Em Alone – Truth is, a bunch of women don’t like men. Sure, they insist that they’d like to have a good man in their life, one they can share their days and nights with but they don’t even LIKE men as a species. Women who LIKE men, as people, as company, around them, are irresistible to men. Men love us. Why? Well, don’t you prefer to be around people that LIKE you, versus people that don’t? I thought so. 

2.     Don’t Throw Them Back – Many of you think every good-looking, nice smelling, smiling dude that crosses your path MUST be The One. Because your thinking about men is skewed you tend to treat all the not The One like they're useless. So you throw back the “fish” that don’t want to marry or commit to you. Tsk Tsk! Men are people too, in case you haven’t notice. And if you like them and appreciate the beautiful masculine energy, friendship, care, and fun that they can bring to your life then you wouldn’t throw so many of them away because they aren’t altar interested or ready. Delight in men, make them your friends, homies, and confidantes.  

3.     Be Delicious – Be sweet. Be sassy. Be alluring. Be yielding. Be coy. Be playful. Be fun. Be loving. Be tender. Be kind. Be a WOMAN. If you’re angry at men, as a group, you’re going to have a hard time being these things. So, it’s time to STOP being angry. Heal your daddy issues so you can stop blaming ALL men for your relationship woes. A healed woman who loves being a woman has magical powers. I speak from experience. I can get right in a man’s head, know precisely what he desires and needs, and deliver that. If you fully embrace being a woman, you too will tap into your magical, magnetic powers. 

Men aren’t hairy, hard-bodied women. Men are men. Be a woman. Let him be a man. Yeah, I said it! And see how this transforms your relationships with ALL men, making it quite easy for you to then magnetize The One. Remember, Be Delicious! Men can't resist delicious women! 


DeBora M. Ricks, Speaker, Executive Producer & Author of Why Did He Break Up With Me? & Love Addicted. Buy them at

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