Monday, September 27, 2010


This evening I get to do what 85% of the American population fear more than they fear death: I get to do some public speaking. My audience? The FIRM (Friends In Recovery Maintaining) These are people fighting for their lives; they are working to stay clean and sober after decades of using substances in an attempt to alter their reality.

I asked Spirit, as I most often do when I have a talk or workshop, "What would you have me say to these people"? Well, God said, "Talk about you...and forgiveness." Forgiveness is one of my favorite topics precisely because from time to time I have such difficulty doing it. And yet I know its power. When I forgave my dad more than 25 years ago, that one pivotal act changed the course of my life. As they say, we teach what we need to learn. So as I prepared to talk about forgiveness, Michael, my partner, says early this afternoon, "I want to read something to you." Guess what it was about? You're so smart and insightful. Yes, forgiveness. It was about the power of forgiveness. I'm now convinced that I must be obedient to Spirit and talk about forgiveness, about how I forgave my father for not loving and protecting and providing for me in my youth. But before I do, I'll forgive the coworkers that pissed me off when they decided to yell at me. And forgive myself for momentarily forgetting I'm a professional. Hee Hee

If forgiveness was the wimp act so many people mis-take it for, more people would do it more often. It takes courage and strength to forgive. And still, I choose to forgive. Why? Because forgiveness sets ME free!

Who do you need to forgive?

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