Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You Are Meant to SOAR!

It's been one of those days, you know the kind. First you're up...then you're down. The winds of life are blowing you hither and thither. Actually, though the events in my day haven't all been peachy keen, like the $657.72 cellphone bill I opened, thanks to my lovely daughter, there's evidence that I'm growing. Today I'm learning better how to respond to upsetting situations, rather than react. Well, alright, I did react. Initially. I yelled to her father, "I'ma jack her up!" Had she been within arms length, who but God knows what might have happened when I saw that bill, I might have "caught a charge," to use the urban veteran criminal's term.
I couldn't help but wonder though, what am I thinking that's causing this money leakage? Just last week I paid a $516 cellphone bill. For the same child! This isn't supposed to be how my movie goes. It wasn't in the script for me to generate more money through trainings and seminars and consultancy work...only to dole it out for some frickin' phone calls and text messages!
Consciousness. Everything in our lives begin with our thoughts and beliefs. Well, before I knew it I was dialing the carrier. "How can I get a new number or some restrictions. If I can't do that, then I'll just have the phone cut off!"
If you wish to know what you think about your possibilities, take a look around at your life, at your world, at the people in it, at your finances, at your love life, at your health. If you don't like what you see, change your thinking, revamp your beliefs...and witness a "miracle."
By the time I got off the phone, I not only had tools to restrict my child's phone usage but wonderful Tiffany, without my asking, decided to see if they might be able to slash the bill down a bit. Well, there IS a God, somewhere! Thank God for trained professionals, people well equipped to deal with customers in the throes of a hissy fit, like I was. This young woman reduced my bill by $300! I was happy about the shift in my consciousness as much as I was about the smaller bill.
It's our birthright to experience abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives. Really, it is. Go ahead, dare to believe in yourself and your possibilities. Go ahead, I dare you!


  1. love it!....all is well.
    God promises a happy outcome to everything! His promises make no exception! ~ACIM!

  2. When I logged onto my laptop this morning, here's what I read first: "Through many channels My help can flow. I am your supply." Yes, no worries...because God, the Universe, Divine our supply. Jobs, social security, that man, whatever are merely the channels through which God sends Her blessings. When one channel closes, another one opens. We need only keep the faith baby!
