Saturday, October 23, 2010

Keep the Faith, Baby!

I spent a lot of time this morning in my meditation room. It's a good thing I did too because I just received some disappointing news. Rather than fall apart, beat myself up, or even feel dejected I've decided to keep it moving. That's life. Stuff happen. Things don't always go as we'd like. I remember going to a book signing, given by someone I know. I'd approached this person about us working together, about me doing a signing. I'd done her a favor in the past but the favor wasn't returned. I got some feelings about that too. I prayed about it. Then God reminded me of this, "No one person, opportunity, or job is the key to your good. I got you! The Universe is immensely abundant. Opportunities are everywhere. They abound. We are to hold the vision of what we want. We set our intentions. But guess what, God's got the details. It's not for us to say who's supposed to butter our bread. Keep your head and spirit up. More good is always in the cue for you. And for me! Keep the faith, baby!

Peace & Love, DeBora


  1. It's been quite a day for "getting bad news" but the good thing is because I know the Truth that the Universe is abundant and God wants only my greatest good, I was able to quickly overcome my disappointment and turn to prayer affirming my good and knowing that "whatever I ask in prayer, believing I have received it, it shall be mine". I know that for you too my sister and I join you in "keeping the faith". One Love!

  2. Absolutely! After getting that news early Saturday, I returned to what I was doing, writing. Sat there in a corner at Starbuck crafting my future. Then I left. Went home where I showered, put on something sexy, some perfume and drove to my Baby's house for a gathering. Lots of scrumptious delicious food--curry chicken and potatoes, greens, rice, plantains (yeah mon, Jamaica in the house), fascinating and real people, exciting exchanges and discussions, wine, music, dancing, laughter galore into the night. Why let one little blip in the program derail our happiness. Life is beautiful and sweet.

    Know this, I ain't never giving up on me! Never. What I hope you who read this will get is this: the life Spirit has for us is yours to have. There's no one and no thing that can keep you from it, but you. You deserve the good life, create it!
