Friday, October 22, 2010


I've been busy, speaking to athletes and social work students on college campuses and doing a training in ethics for a health organization. The reason this is significant is because for the longest time I said I wanted to not only speak more but get paid to do it. At last, I'm getting paid. I intended it. I decided it was time. Time to dig deep and believe in me. Intellectually I "knew" I had skills. But on an emotional level I wasn't quite sure. I didn't really KNOW; had I really known I was capable of doing the things I'm loving to do right now they would have been showing up in my life. But no worries, we have the power to raise our consciousness and thus transform our life.

"Each one of us has that capacity to move from a limited and confining sense of identification to an expanded sense of awareness. That is what we mean by transformation." - James O'Dea
This quote came to me in an online message that I regularly receive. It captures my experience. I'm feeling more expanded, confident and capable these days. And where there's fear I'm willing to move through it rather than allow it to stop me. What changed, you might wonder. I got tired. I grew tired of not having the life I've been pining for for years. Parts of my life have been out of control, like my spending. It's not that I'd spend hundreds on Jimmy Choo sandals, instead I would just spend for the wrong reasons. Like I'd shop to feel alive, beautiful, loved. Isn't that why we buy pretty things ladies, we want to feel pretty too? We also shop to fill up those empty places in our life. Or to avoid feeling the fullness of the pain after a loss. Instead of crying we shop. And shop...and shop some more.
So, I reined in my shopping. In the last month or so I've spent less than $75 on clothes. More importantly, I'm learning to manage my finances with my eyes wide open. Just before coming here to write, something told me to call AT&T even though I just paid them yesterday. Well, I owed $39.81 on the current bill...and the due date is today! I pushed about 3 more buttons and paid it.
Here's my point, when we're out of control, like our finances are shaky, it's hard to feel confident, sexy and powerful. Oh, another spiritually savvy thing that I do (once again) is tithe. Other than helping the Spiritual Empowerment Center doors remain open, tithing helps me to feel abundant, keeps me in alignment with Truth and it works. When I give to the entity that feeds me spiritually, one that supports me in strengthening my money magnetism my cup runneth over with money making opportunities.
Life likes order. The more I get my spiritual house in order, the more I experience real change in all areas of my life...because we live from the inside out. First there's right thinking then the manifestations. I don't know about you but I am tickled that I can do this right from a comfortable chair in my home through meditation and prayer and being still.
When we believe in ourselves and the Power that created us, are willing to take risks even when our knees rattle, stand forth in our beauty and brilliance even in the face of seemingly opposition we create the life we've been dreaming of...sooner rather than later.

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