How you living? Are you pleased with your life? Do you like the person that looks back at you in the mirror? Or do you despise her? Do you love the one you're ALWAYS with or...do you loathe him?
Tomorrow we're doing a show on addiction. You know, those behaviors, thoughts, substances we reach for to escape people we don't like, us. I not only work in the addiction field but all week long for one reason or another I've been talking with my friends about this or that addiction. I have a friend who's addicted to weed, wine and women. Another friend decided that she could no longer permit her craving for starch and sugar to control her eating habits, so she's joining Over Eaters Anonymous. I applaud her. She was inspired by a mutual friend, Jeanette, who lost a whopping 85 pounds! Jeanette was sick and tired of being sick and tired so she did something about it.
An addiction is a spiritual dis-ease. That means if you're ready to stop letting the lure of another pair of shoes or bag of chips tell you what to do, then you'll have to take a spiritual approach to your healing. Don't believe me? Attend a 12-step program meeting. The first thing that addicts who do the steps learn is that there's a power greater than themselves that is waiting for them to turn to It.
Let me tell something, no matter what your drug of choice is, whether it's Dunkin Donuts, UTZ potato chips, Starbucks coffee, designer clothes or charming but dangerous people, the power is within you to heal. And guess what, the rewards are greater than you think. I thought when I got a handle on my urge to spend on stuff I didn't need that I'd simply have more money to travel and eat at fine restaurants. Sure, that is true. But guess what else is happening FOR me? I am less afraid. I have more emotional and mental energy for the things I really love. I like myself better. I feel more in control of my life. I have more confidence. I experience more joy. You see, studies indicate that people who spend LESS and DO more are happier. Stuff, my dear friend can't bring joy. Comfort, yes. Joy, no. Nor can Ben & Jerry fill those empty places inside you.
Addictions rob us of the life we really want because while we are actively using we aren't truly living. Instead, we're languishing. We're running. We're numbing out. That sense of aliveness that our souls yearn isn't for sale. Nor can it be smoked, drank or eaten. We must find the God in us and love her Fiercely!
Here's some good news. You can heal. First, make a commitment to stop using. You can't detoxify from your drug and indulge in it at the same time. Stop going to the mall as if it's a real outing. Stop going to those all you can eat joints cuz you know you won't stop eating until you've nearly overdosed on those fake potatoes. Put the bottle down. I know it ain't easy. But you CAN do it, with God's help you can.
Secondly, change your lifestyle! You may have to dump some friends. Sorry. Crack addicts fly, uh, hang with crack addicts. In crack houses. If your friends overeat but aren't on the road to recovery, limit your outings with them. Don't stop living. Replace the activities you once enjoyed with new activities. Go bowling. Take a walk. Go to a lecture. Take a hot bath. Dance. Meditate. Pray. Find a spiritual community that uplifts you with love and acceptance. Visit my web site "Links" page for the address, go to http://www.deboraricks.com/
Thirdly, put together a plan for maintaining your sobriety. Remember, when we fail to plan we plan to fail.
I Love you!
Tune into WOLB 1010 AM every Thursdays 3:30 -4:30. Thursday, 2/24. Topic: Addiction & a Salute to Blacks who Inspire Us!
This is SO true DeBora!!! As I have had to break many additions in my life it started with being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Turning it over to God, limiting my time with people, places, and things that reminded of my addictions! So on point! Love you!!!!
ReplyDeletePrecisely Angel! Healing an addiction is about letting go of some things...places and some people. Love you too!