A client poked his head in to speak to me. To his question, "How are you, Ms. Ricks?" I quickly responded "Great!" "Every time I speak to you, you're always great Ms. Ricks. Why don't you give me one of those self-help books you read?" he said looking serious. I invited him in and directed him to sit down a bit. As I handed him one of my old Science of Mind magazines, one of my mental and spiritual food sources, he confessed that he has a self-esteem problem, that though he attends Narcotics Anonymous he needs and wants more.
I asked Gordon, which is what I shall call him, to tell me one thing he desires for his life. "I don't want to use anymore,'" he quickly responded. "Okay. Now flip it. State that in the positive. Take the words "want" and "don't" out. Now say it." He struggled. "I am not going to blah, blah, blah." I stopped him. He wasn't used to talking positively to himself. He wasn't used to being his own best friend Gordon wasn't used to affirming what he DOES want. And he's not alone.
When we use the words want we come from a place of lack. So I wrote an affirmation down on the SOM magazine for him, then asked him to repeat it. "I choose to stay clean and sober." When he spoke it, his posture instantly improved and his gaze grew more confident. Gordon used drugs for nearly 30 years; this is the first time he has desired to stop. He absolutely has the power to stay clean and sober, he need only watch what he thinks and speaks because his words, as do yours and mine, create his life.
Every thought and word creates. Either we are pulling to us or pushing away from us the desires of our heart. No word is meaningless. No thought is empty. Watch your mouth...and your mind. When you find yourself thinking about what you DON'T want, STOP IT! Now think about what you desire. Now CHOOSE it. Choose to think on those things, consistently, regularly, daily, often and watch them show up magnificently, in your life.
Love & Light, DeBora
Check me out on the web at http://www.deboraricks.com/
Great post, somehow what you have written should come instinctively to us, because as humans our first goal is to survive. But throughout living our lives maybe we forget to be gentle and loving (not selfish and shallow), with ourselves and others.
ReplyDeleteToday your words for me were like a light bulb moment. And I will write them down and practice them.
Thank you,