Then there are those who feel they have wasted an entire life. They were hooked on drugs, strung out on pills, addicted to alcohol, or in and out of prison.
No matter who you are, you have a past. No matter how good looking, buffed, wealthy, clever, smart, educated, or old you are, you don't have it ALL together. You've said and done a stupid thing or two. You've fallen short in some way. Consequently, you may have regrets. You may even beat yourself up for those things. Well, you are not your past. Your past is but a phantom. It's over. It's but a memory. Listen, back when you did and said what you did and said you did your best. You made choices for yourself (and others) that felt right at that time. Now that you know better, you can do better, right?
Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up for yesterday's choices, missteps, mistakes. Here's how you do that: First, accept that you are human. Secondly, remember that you are a work in progress. Lastly, let go of all your self limiting images. See, it's when we measure what we did with who we imagine we are or should be that causes angst and self-condemnation. You are human! A spiritual being having a human experience. As such, it's expected that we will mess up from time to time. So, please be gentle with yourself.
You are not your past. Put the past behind you, where it properly belongs and embrace the present moment. Live from here onward. Now, doesn't that feel better? Sure it does.
Love & Light, DeBora
Visit me on the web at http://www.deboraricks.com/
Author of Love Addicted: One Woman's Journey Through Emotional Dependency
Love this post! Everyone can identify with this struggle. I know I can. Okay...letting go now! :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, everyone can relate. Freedom is letting go of the coulda wouldas so we can enjoy the precious present moment. Thanks Steve for your comment.