Thursday, October 13, 2011

Get Comfortable with the Weird

I'm reading singer/actor Tyrese Gibson's book, How to Get Out of Your Own Way. It's thought provoking. He's transparent and real. Something I read yesterday had me jazzed, he said, "Get comfortable with the weird." He contends that it's the weird people who change the world, people like the late great Steve Jobs, once embattled but later lauded, CEO of Apple.

I thought about it and agree, weird is where it is. You know that thing about you that makes you different from everybody else, that way of being, that quirk, that penchant for making people laugh, relax, want to grow, that's the very thing that makes you uniquely special. You know what I'm talking about, those qualities, traits, ideas that you have that your friends and family tease you about. Yeah, those things. Stop resisting them and see the beauty and value in them. When Oprah was a kid some thought she talked too much. In fact, Tyrese says when he was a kid none of his friends and family thought he could sing. "Boy, would you shut up?" is what he would frequently hear from family. Now they ask him for free concert tickets. What if Mr. President would have listened to those so called smart people who believed his name was an impediment to success as a politician. Shucks, Barack Obama is the quintessential "politician," he's the president of the bossiest country in the frickin' free world!

I'm going to embrace and honor my voice. What about you, what weirdness are you going to get comfortable with? The world needs it/ C'mon, share it with us.

Author of Love Addicted

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