A sister friend recently "retired" from her sales job of many years. Now, before you go imagining a stout, slow-moving, balding woman with a short to-do list, let me tell you PeaJae is anything but old and retiring. Anyways, when PeaJae walked away from her sales career she strutted right into her life work as a Bliss Coach and forgiveness guru. Girlfriend didn't miss a beat! God had given her her marching orders and PeaJae confidently marched forth with clarity and purpose. Well, I'm impressed. More significantly, I am inspired. PeaJae was on the radio a couple of nights ago. As I listened to her I had a breakthrough.
Here it is. Drum roll please. I realized why my phone hasn't been ringing, why though I've professed to be a speaker for years my business had yet to take off. Well, it's so simple that it eluded me, well uh, I hadn't be clear. I lacked clarity about what I stood for. Sure, I'm wise and witty and rather entertaining, if I may say so myself. I connect well with my audience, too. But like my life coach has been known to say, "People can't catch a moving target." I've been a moving target. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you've flickered from one thing to another, never growing roots in any one of them. Clarity is powerful. When we are clear about what we desire, the Universe will readily deliver on our requests. So long as we are confused, uncertain, wishy-washy, uncommitted, afraid to take a stand for ourselves and what we believe in, we get lackluster results. Get clear!
Here's what I do: I help women tend to the most important relationship in their life--the relationship that they have with themselves. See, I was once lost...but now I am found, I had low self-esteem, I didn't believe in myself and my possibilities and I feared being alone, consequently I was bent on appending myself to a man hoping he would make me feel whole and complete and successful. Hallelujah! Not anymore. I now have a strong and succulent relationship with DeBora! My misery is my ministry, something I've been clear about for years. Now I'm abundantly clear it's time I share with the women the world over how they too can fall madly in love with themselves!
DeBora M. Ricks
Wishing you Heaven, Smooches!
Author of Love Addicted: One Woman's Spiritual Journey Through Emotional Dependency
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