I'll be brief. I was talking to a friend of mine this morning whose aunt is experiencing severe back pain. Well, she told her aunt that she was using an amazing product that was working wonders for her. It had alleviated her knee pain. And it was all natural. Her aunt, moaning, asked, "Well, how much is it?" She told her and auntie moaned louder. She said her medication didn't cost THAT much. Medication, mind you, that clearly is NOT working. I know a young woman whose knees throb with pain. I told her a supplement and cream I use wiped my knee pain out. She says she's waiting to hear what a guy friend has to say about the products. Duh! He's not the one in pain. I could go on, but you get the picture.
In any event, there's a club to which sweet ole auntie and this young woman belong. It's called the IRBIP club. Of course you're wondering what IRBIP stands for. I'm glad you asked. IRBIP stands for I'd Rather Be In Pain. You know the folks. You might even be a member of this club.
See, some people would rather suffer than spend the time, money, and/or energy to heal. Whether the pain is physical, emotional, financial, relational, or spiritual if someone offers you a cure and you turn your nose up at it, chances are you're a member of the IRBIP club. Tis tis!
Here's my confession. I once belonged to this not so exclusive club. There I was languishing in a job that paid me way too little for my talents, gifts and skills. They hated that I was opinionated, educated, and not easily controlled. What did I do? Because I was loyal to my club, you know, the IRBIP club, I suffered. And I did it beautifully. You know, like we're taught to do. Though I sometimes whined, mostly I followed the IRBIP teachings and sucked it up and took it like a man. I know, I'm not a man, so what? I dragged my nicely dressed self in to work, took their abuse with my chin up, and waited for the weekend. Then one day I got fired. Yep, I got fired. Thank God! Once released from bondage, I then shredded my IRBIP card. And nobody better ever call me asking if I'd like to reactivate that membership, unless they feel like experiencing some emotional pain. HeeHee
We choose the life we live. With every yes and no we choose life more fully or we choose a "life" of quiet desperation. Sadly, the latter is what most people unconsciously choose. Why? Because most people can't even imagine living an emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially healthy, wealthy, and whole life. Their mother, father, siblings lived in pain so they think they have to live in pain. All some people expect from life is pain. Well, we get not what we claim we want, we get what we expect.
Fear of the unknown. Fear of the new. Fear of success. Fear of happiness. Fear of change. These are the fears that keep people stuck, accepting pain as a way of life. Tis tis! Fear is the opposite of FAITH. Stop talking about faith and start living in faith.
Are you a member of the IRBIP club? Be honest. If you are, no worries. You can have a new thought that leads to new actions today. It's your birthright to live a healthy, wealthy, prosperous, sweet and juicy, pain-free life. Claim it!
Okay, I wasn't so brief. I couldn't help myself; I'm on a mission to wake up. As I awaken more fully, I'm impelled to share my aha! moments with you.
In love & light,
DeBora M. Ricks, Author/Speaker/Attorney/Distributor
If you're ready to cancel your membership to the IRBIP club, visit www.mylifevantage.com/deboraricks and www.DeBoraricks.com
Author of Love Addicted: One Woman's Spiritual Journey through Emotional Dependency
To book me to speak call 410.599.2131 or send email to Info@DeBoraricks.com
Get your FREE How to Write a Book that $ells E-book at www.DeBoraRicks.com
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