Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just Intend It!

More often than not, I don't know what direction I'm headed until I write the first several words. Like I do when I give a talk, I invite Spirit to give me what's for the audience that sits before me.

I'm in the throes of shedding some stuff. First, I'm losing weight. Yeepee! I'll get to the other stuff, but first let me tell you about my weight loss experience. I so love how God goes to work to bring us our hearts desires once we've set an intention. A few weeks ago I got on my friend's scale and got a wake up call. 141 pounds! My weight had never climbed higher than the 130s. I ran out the bathroom screaming, "I gotta lose some weight!" My friend said he thought I looked just fine. (Isn't that what every woman wants to hear from her man, even if he's lying?) Sure, some part of me wanted to believe him but my smarter part spoke up and said "Girl, get real. You know you gettin' fat!" I've never struggled with my weight and there's only been a few times when I thought losing one to three pounds would be a splendid idea. I take my hat off to anyone who has shed pounds in the double digits because for real for real, losing weight is more than a notion. It takes commitment, discipline, and consistency. Anywho, I figure with all the other juicy parts a woman's got for handling, there's really no need for love handles, right?

"If you want it, just intend it!" Isn't that what one of the experts in the The Secret urged us to do. I needed to do but two things: 1. eat less and at more sensible hours and 2. fire up my workout. But how do I ramp up my workout when I let go of my gym membership back in March?

Sunday, October 24 God answered my prayer. In church Sandy Woods, a personal trainer and wellness coach, announced that she'd be offering a 12-week Boot Camp starting Monday the morning. Not only was it FREE! but it was also at Lake Montebello, at the very place where I went five days a week to power walk around the lake with 5 lb weights two to four times; and at the very time. We meet Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6:15 in the morning. One rainy morning, only the second day, I rolled over in my bed praying Sandy would call it off. This woman is a boot camp beast. "We're meeting at the pavilion" was her text. It was cold, dark and wet. Water pounded the roof of the dilapidated pavilion and poured through the holes where the roof had collapsed. In a corner five of us stretched, weight lifted, lunged, squated, curled and crunched.

If we want something different, we gotta think and be willing to do something different. I invited many to join the few of us. One young woman, who I'd just met on Friday at work, showed up! Meanwhile others find excuse after excuse for why they just can't. These are the folks who'll almost knock you down trying to get to the treadmill, in March 2011, cuz they've got a New Year's resolution to keep. LOL Well, I saw Nicole today. With a big smile on her face she said, "My body aches...but I had so much energy yesterday. I'll see you tomorrow." Now that's commitment, discipline and consistency.

I'm now 135.5! To think, I'd been power walking around that lake with my little blue weights for years, thinking I was doing something. And I was. But it had gotten old. My body was yawning at my routine. I needed to cause some muscle confusion to shed those 6 lbs. Simply put, and this applies to any area of our life where what we're doing isn't creating the results we want, I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I needed to push myself beyond easy.

The other stuff I'm losing are the piles of papers sitting on my meditation room floor and, more importantly, I'm giving up the belief that I've got to know how the Divine is going to bless me for me to relax. It's our job to set the intention and give what's before us attention then relax because it's God's business to provide the how.

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