Friday, November 12, 2010

The Magic in Doing What You CAN Do!

I bought a house in December. There's so much I want to do to beautify the outside of it. Right now, however, it's not yet in my FOP (Financial Operating Plan) to do the major landscaping that I'm committed to doing, like getting a stone porch and Zen garden. Because I haven't been able to do the big things, what do you think I have tended to do? You guessed it, I tended to do nothing, not even the small things I COULD do! Like hang curtains, paint, hang more pictures. Even like get quotes on how much a Zen garden and stone porch cost.
Then it hit me, why not do what you CAN do now! If we want to feel abundant and live from a place of possibility it behooves us to turn our attention away from what we can't do and instead focus on and do what we CAN. I wish I could claim this brilliant way of thinking and behaving abundantly is original but one must give credit where credit is due, says my father. Doing what you CAN do is the brainchild of coach extraordinaire Kim George; she calls such a mindset Abundance Intelligence®.
When I first heard Kim talk about AI, though it's so simple it's equally as profound. Think of something you'd like to have or achieve. Maybe you'd like to write a book. Buy a house. Or start your own business. Perhaps you'd love to be a world traveller. Or lose weight or get fit. Maybe attracting a loving, trusting partner into your life is just what your heart desires. Or perhaps you'd like to transition from working for someone else into being your own boss. Whatever you want, ask yourself this question: Right now, am I doing what I CAN do to have what I want? If you're like the typical person who, for example, says you'd like to see your name on the cover of a book rather than write you only think about writing. You think about how long it'll likely take to go from having no book to publication and you quit before you start. But here's the thing, you don't have to write the entire book today, in one sitting. Let's say you write half a page every day for a year. By year end you'd have 182.50 pages! A book. Here's what you must do NOW. You must write the first word. That word becomes a sentence, that sentence a paragraph, paragraphs become pages. Doing what you CAN is living abundantly. Focusing on what you can't do at the moment because of your finances or time is a form of self-sabotage. You'll never have what you want if you continue to place your mental and physical energies there.
Another example. Let's say you'd like to attract the man of your dreams.What could you do right now? Right where you sit? If you read my blog, you know I often talk about setting intentions. You can't set an intention to have the man of your dreams if you don't even know what qualities you'd like him to possess. So, grab a pen and some paper and write down everything you want in a mate. That's what you CAN do, right now. What else could you do to attract that special someone into your life? Here's a suggestion: You can let go of the lie that what you what isn't available. That all the good ones are taken.
Here's the magic in doing what you CAN do...rather than give attention to what you can't do: What we focus on expands. So, if you're giving mental energy to what isn't, what you can't have, there isn't enough to go around thoughts then guess what you can expect? That's right, more of that. More of what you say you don't want—lack, limitation and scarcity.
Make just one phone call that scares you. Eat a piece of fruit rather than cake when your sweet tooth bites. Flirt just for the fun of it; who knows, Mr. Right might flirt back. Take a weekend trip anywhere. Contact a loan officer to find out what you'll need to be considered for a loan. While watching TV, do 25 jumping jacks and 20 crunches. Honor yourself enough to do what you love while you do what pays the bills and in time the Universe will, if this is your heart's desire, support you in doing it full time.
I'm doing what I CAN do. Yesterday I decluttered my meditation room, two ottomans, and my closet. Hung some pictures. Replaced the fire alarm. I'll be paint shopping soon. And continuing to work on my second book, Why Did He Break Up With Me? Even on the days when I don't have hours to write, I'll write anyway because every single words gets me that much closer to seeing another book with my name on the cover.
What CAN you do today, in service of your dreams? Okay, you're done here. Get to it! When you've done it, let me know how abundant and more confident you feel.
In Love & Light, DeBora

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