Woke this morning feeling stuck. I don't want to tell you this, but since it's true...I will. I realize this was only a feeling. I wasn't really stuck, I only FELT that way. I forced myself out of bed. Dressed for the 25 degree weather and went outside, to exercise. Being out in the brisk air helped. I felt invigorated and free. But once I got back home, the STUCK bug returned.
Back in the house from my run, powerwalk, jumping jacks and lunges, I read today's Science of Mind magazine message. It was spot on! Just what I needed. It encouraged, "Live your song today!" And to "Affirm that you are awake today to the truth of your essential wholeness, peace, abundance, and love. Declare that the activity of God is a dynamic and creative presence in your life right now. Live the truth of your oneness. Sense it, believe it, feel it, embody it, and sing it!" Then I sat in silence, determined to remember the truth about myself and life: I AM LIMITLESS. THERE ARE NO OBSTACLES...out there. The power is WITHIN ME to create the life of my wildest imaginings!
God spoke to me, as I sat, and told me to do two things today: Give and be Grateful. The first thing I did was call my beloved and said, "Baby, I just want you to know I appreciate you." Then instead of going straight to my office, I went to see a client, who is going to court today; she's at my other facility. She told me, with a smile on her face, "I was nervous, now I'm not. I'm glad you're going with me." My heart swelled. I could have called her but I listened to that still small voice that whispered, "Go see her. Don't call." I gave her my words, my attention, my heart as we sat together; warm feelings enveloped me. I was as blessed by her presence as she was by mine. That's the way giving works. It blesses all involved, the receiver, giver and witnesses to that giving. You see, whenever I'm cranky or feeling like I don't have enough, I remind myself that it's not what's missing (or what I think is) that's got me feeling deprived...it's what I'm not giving that's making me feel out of sorts.
So I began to count my blessings. Of course I'm still counting, since our blessing are endless. At this writing, I feel good. Like I make a difference in the world. You know what really makes me feel incredibly abundant? You! It's people, not things, that make the world go round. If no one has told you today, let me be the first: I APPRECIATE YOU! I need not know you to feel this way about you. The fact that you think enough of me and what I have to say to take the time to read my Blog warms my heart. Thank you!
Time to go now, I've got some more giving to do! And I can't wait to see how absolutely jazzed I'm going to feel doing it.
Peace and Love, DeBora
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