Monday, January 17, 2011

The Universe Supports Us

My Aunt V, my mother's sister, was recently hospitalized. Me, my mother, sister, brother and daughter drove to DC on Sunday to see her. She shares a birth date with Dr. King; she just turned 78. The Sunday before I was in sunny 82 degree San Juan, Puerto Rico at a life altering women's conference on wealth. I can still see the Atlantic Ocean slapping the boulders before turning into foam and hear it roar from my 9th floor oceanview room. I returned to Baltimore deeply committed to living within my means as I work to increase those means exponentially. I even decided to take on a budget by using the formula that financial and life coach Lynn Richardson gave us: 10/10/30/50. Tithe 10%. Save 10%. Spend 30%. Pay bills with the balance, 50%.

And so we headed to DC. Neither I nor Adia, my daughter, had eaten anything after church. I was not interested in spending any money either. Every dollar spent is a dollar not saved or invested. Back to San Juan. I took a couple of credit cards and $200 to San Juan and returned home with $185. (I sold copies of my book Love Addicted.) But what sticks with me is how FREE and in control I felt because the urge to spend for the sake of spending had somehow dissipated. I spent money only on food, water, and transportation. Not once did I feel anxious about money...because my desires weren't driving and dictating my decisions. Nobody got "gifts" either. Including me. Who says you gotta buy T-shirts and trinkets to prove you really were where you said you were? So, let's get back on the road to Georgetown University Hospital to see my mother's sister. My mother, God bless her, did something strange; she offered to pay for my daughter's Checkers meal. Then things got even stranger, mother offered to pay for everybody's meal, mine, my brother's and my sister's. Who was this hatted lady? I thought. And who kidnapped my mother? Thanks to Adia's iphone GPS we managed to get to the hospital pretty much without a blip. Aunt V, who had been bleeding on the brain, was sitting up and talking. Was she clear and coherent? Uh, no, not really. But she looked remarkably well and we were happy she was hanging in there.

On our return to the city, we made another fast food stop. As my sister ordered fries, out loud I considered McDonald's smoothie. Once again my mother offered to foot the bill. You don't understand, my mother don't do these sort of strange things.

I never spent a dime. Years ago, I had a similar experience. I wanted to buy a book I'd eyeballed on Amazon but knew that that $25 could be better allocated. Several days later a friend of my sister called me. She had two brand new copies of Sacred Contracts and wanted to know if I wanted one of them. I as in awe. Of God. How She provides.

The Universe supports us abundantly...when we take right action. Over and over again I observed this: when I do the right thing for the right reasons the Universe ALWAYS provides those things I want. Trust God to handle the details. Take right action and watch how God shows off.

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