I'm feeling quite good these days because I can see evidence of a change in my thinking about myself and life. Although I've achieved some dreams like becoming a lawyer and writing a book, I could see how still I permit self-doubt to rob me of greater success. Obstacles that appear to be out there and very real are internal. I'm reminded of the saying, "what lies before me and what lies behind me are nothing compared to what lies within me."
What keeps us from living the life of our dreams? F.E.A.R. False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. We fear we're not smart enough. Good enough. Young enough. Educated enough. Articulate enough. Organized enough. Worthy. Thin enough. Pretty enough. Ready. The "right" race or gender. And did I mention not good enough? We let self-doubt, fear, have the last say. So we don't do the very things that will inevitably lead us to the enchanted life we pine for.
Last week Devon Blackwood, the host of Lift Your Voice Radio Show, invited me to join him in the studio as a guest slash cohost. The topic: Race relations for the first half hour. Then bullying, if time permits. I've done radio before. Loved it, too. However, the topic usually had something to do with love and relationships. Topics that get my juices flowing. Well, I was due in court with a client that day, an afternoon case. In Catonsville. Near the Woodlawn studio. I wanted to be on the show but I was scared. I've never publicly shared what I think about race relations. But hadn't I declared earlier this year that I would do radio at least twice a month? I only neglected to tell the Universe what topics I wanted to discuss. Which, by the way, turns out to be a good thing. I get to s-t-r-e-t-c-h myself.
I prepared. I so love the Internet. At my fingertips was Dr. King's Letter from Birmingham Jail and everything I've ever wanted to know about bullying in schools. Did you know that studies conclude that bullies DON'T have low self-esteem? Puhlease! Anyway, I got out of court at 3, the show goes on at 3:30. Both nervous and excited, I drove to the studio.
I did what scared me...and had a ball doing it. I knew from experience that once I did what frightens me I would grow in confidence and that that confidence translates into greater success. It becomes a stepping stone. When we don't do the things that terrify us, self-doubt wins. Then self-doubt, rather than belief in self, grows.
Yesterday I was invited to come or call into the show to discuss women and incarceration. Once again, I had the jitters. So what though. I forged ahead and added value to the discussion. I've been invited to do two more shows, on domestic violence. Or as I call it, domestic silence because we talk so little about intimate partner abuse. Had I not pushed through my fear and done last week's show I doubt that I would have been invited to do more shows.
Some things must happen before other things can happen. A case in point. I met the host of Lift Your Voice at an Ethics training I facilitated. He was one of the participants. I was scared when I did THAT training...but did it anyway. Who would have thought that would lead to my being on the radio? Not I. To paraphrase Dr. King, trust yourself and God enough to take the step in front of you...because God never shows us the entire staircase.
So I ask you, what might you do, or begin, today that scares you? Know this, the Universe supports you.
Tune in to Lift Your Voice radio show, Thursday, February 3 & 10, 3:30 to 4:30 pm on 1010 WOLB AM or www.wolbbaltimore.com Topic: Domestic Violence
Hi DeBora,
ReplyDeleteSounds like a lot is on your mind. Congratulations on your talk radio show! I know you will bring a variety of provacative and stimulating subjects to the table. I am so relating to your message about fear having the last say in our lives. I am working on the Course in Miracles from beginning to end this year. It tells us that there is no such thing as idle thoughts. When we allow our thoughts to run idly on to make up insane stories and beliefs we are miscreating unconsciously. I've noticed how my thoughts just ramble on non-sensically all during the day. Its no wonder I feel blocked and frustrated with my life.
Spirit keeps bringing me back to the power of breakdowns. I don't like confrontation. Never have, because I fear emotional upheaval. Yet this fear is constantly setting me up to heal it with powerful breakdowns which I can use to move through the stuff from the past and leave it behind. I've always known that breakdowns are actually a gift but I never really liked having to continually experience breaking down to breakthrough to my good. It all seems so full of drama. Why can't we just get to the peace and stay there. Anyway, I'm still on the journey.
Thanks for the congrats and the feedback. It's thrilling to watch my thoughts become "things," thoughts I WANT to produce after their kind. I'm just determined to create a life I can love. Finally I get that I can't do this without taking risks, which can be frightening. But no worries, the Universe supports me.
ReplyDeleteAs your friend, may I say a few things to you. You are an incredible woman. Beautiful. Smart. Caring. Knowledgeable. And you have so much power and purpose that you're sitting on, waiting, it seems, for the so called right moment to step out.
Because you don't like confrontation...but confrontation is such a necessary part of growth and self-expression the Universe will keep bringing it to you. Please my dear friend, accept the invite and see what happens. Notice how you feel. First it might be angst. Then it will be calm and increased confidence. Conflict, I was reminded in Conflict Resolution training, invariably leads to growth when we work through it. Whether thats internal conflict or conflict with others--which of course is but a reflection of inner conflict. No need to call it drama. Drama is unnecessary conflict. Drama is conflict that goes on and on and on. Drama is unhealthy. Conflict, however, is healthy. Besides, life, I believe, is meant to sometimes be messy and seemingly chaotic. In fact, the Chinese have a symbol for chaos that means "opportunity."
Lastly, think about yourself 20 years from now. Will you be filled with regret and shame about what you DIDN'T do? You will if you don't push through your fears and do the very things that scare you. Remember my dear, the Universe supports you.
Light and Love,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your words of encouragement. You speak the truth. That is why this year is the year for me to confront all my gremlins, like it or not and to set myself free. I am studying A Course in Miracles with the intention of having a full experience of it. I have never completed The Course, so, now is the time. And yes, to do something you are afraid to do requires faith and knowing that the Universe is supporting you in your highest and greatest good. I would like to get together and talk to you in depth. Thank you being an inspiration.