Okay, why am I writing this post? Truth is I see so many women suffering in a myriad of ways all because they've forgotten their feminine power and radiance. So this is for women who want to amp up their magnetic powers, women who desire to attract more male attention and ain't afraid to own it, women who want to embrace their femininity unapologetically. If you're a heterosexual woman, you desire the company of a man. Well, I can't guarantee that what you read here will help you land, secure and lock down The One, but I can tell you this, if you take to heart what I'm saying here I promise you that your POOL of potential partners will explode. Yes, that's right. You'll have options. Now tell me, what woman in her right mind doesn't want options? Even if you never ever use any of them, it feels good and right to have more of them, right? Because the more options you have, the better your chances are at attracting the man that's just right for you.
Did I mention that I was a people watcher? Well, I've seen stunning, smart, magnetic women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond who are still turning the heads of men. And turning some down too! See, they got OPTIONS baby! Every woman has that power. But if we're to use it we have to remember we got it.
Then there's the Invisible Woman. She blends in, rather than blend out. If you're blending in with your surroundings it goes without saying you won't be seen...by men. I've observed that women do three things that make them invisible to men. You ready? Here goes.
Many women:
Many women:
1. Let themselves go
2. Let their appearance become stale and obsolete
3. Forget they are women
By the way, if men notice you you can bet your bottom dollar that women do. Women admire, envy, are jealous of, threatened and inspired by other compelling women. If women don't notice you, it's not likely that men see you. To tell you the truth, since I'm at it, if other women dismiss you, especially when they're with their Boo, you're invisible. That's not good, particularly if you're in the market for a man. Not any other woman's man, but your Mr. Right.
Alright, let's get back to the Invisible Woman.
1. How do you know you've let yourself go? Well, you've let yourself go when you foolishly think that now that your man has said "I Do" you don't anymore. That is, you don't put "that shiny stuff" on your lips anymore. You don't break a sweat in the gym or bedroom...cuz you might mess up your hair. You don't wear sexy heels anymore. You don't talk soft and sweet anymore. You don't keep a bit of mystery in the air anymore. In sum, you don't care how you look or who you be any longer because, to steal a line out of the movie The Color Purple, you can say "IIIs marriedddd Nooooow!" Big, BIG mistake! In fact, I think married women should actually step up the care of themselves because "security," children, mortgages, seeing you every day and night can get predicable and boring. Your looking and smelling good gives your man something beautiful to look forward to when he thinks about home. (Does this sound sexist? Maybe. Is it real? Absolutely! Men ought to do the same for their women, keep it right, tight, and smelling good.)
Okay, back to how to know if you've let yourself go. You've let yourself go if you get fat and out of shape then endlessly whine about how shallow men are and repeatedly ask "why can't they just love me for who I am on the inside?" HaaHaaHaa! That's Hiiiilarious. Men are visual creatures. Even if they are madly in love with your insides they want and need to lust after your outsides. And if you're smart, you want this too. Please stop being mad because men are visual. Accept it. It is what it is. Shucks, just for the record, we're visual too. Ain't Idris Elba fine? Don't you love the sight of Hill Harper? Neither one of these fine specimen are fat and out of shape. So stop playing ladies. Okay, let's get back on track.
Okay, back to how to know if you've let yourself go. You've let yourself go if you get fat and out of shape then endlessly whine about how shallow men are and repeatedly ask "why can't they just love me for who I am on the inside?" HaaHaaHaa! That's Hiiiilarious. Men are visual creatures. Even if they are madly in love with your insides they want and need to lust after your outsides. And if you're smart, you want this too. Please stop being mad because men are visual. Accept it. It is what it is. Shucks, just for the record, we're visual too. Ain't Idris Elba fine? Don't you love the sight of Hill Harper? Neither one of these fine specimen are fat and out of shape. So stop playing ladies. Okay, let's get back on track.
Keep it right and tight ladies. Even if you're married, looking hot and juicy doesn't allow your man to forget that "she's got options." This keeps him on his toes. One of the worst things a woman can do to her relationship is give her man reason to think if he leaves she'll have a hard time "replacing" him. Well, when you don't doll yourself up on a regular basis you make it much easier for your man to take you for granted. If he takes you for granted he'll start looking elsewhere for thrills. A beautiful woman is interesting to a man. Stay beautiful. Not just for him, but for you too. You'll feel more powerful, sexy and confident. Confidence is the supreme turn-on.
2. How do you know your appearance is stale and obsolete? Well, why don't we investigate with a few questions. Did you discover decades ago the perfect hairstyle and ain't no way you're about to try anything new? Are you afraid of getting your hair cut in a style? Did someone tell you that clothes always come back in style so you kept your wardrobe from the 70s, 80s and 90s and by George you can still fit them? Do you tend to choose comfort over style...over and over again? When you hang with fly women your age do people sometimes think you're those women's mother? Do you rarely hear compliments from men on how beautiful or pretty you look? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you might be dressing like an old lady. My mother is 90 years old and she doesn't dress like an old lady! Old ladies look like they smell stale and old and like mothballs. Men aren't attracted to old ladies. One of my cousins, Louise, met a man and got married again. She's 75! She doesn't dress like an old lady.
3. How does a woman forget she's a woman? I know a woman who has gorgeous legs...who rarely wears a dress. I know women who walk like men. I know women who are good-looking, stylish, and smart who, energetically speaking, don't realize they are women. In conversation with men, as I prepared to do my Sweet & Juicy Woman Seminar, I learned what makes a woman compelling to a man. More than a few men said the sexiest women are women who clearly enjoy BEING women. I get it. A woman who relishes her womanness is one who shows appreciation for those attributes that make her woman. See, what men adore about women are the things that they don't have or do. A guy I dated loved watching me put lipstick on. Another beau would watch me walk to my car because just for him I'd walk in a way that made my butt bounce. I did it just to put a smile on his face and make him go, "Damn baby, walk that walk!" Men adore curves, the swing and sway of a woman's hips, sweet smells (studies say vanilla especially), manicured nails, smokey eyes, luscious lips, smooth and soft skin, a radiant smile and a happy disposition. Ladies, let him wear the pants, you wear your dresses and heels, especially on a date. Walk that walk. Love your body, adore your femaleness, bask in your own light...and notice how much more men do. When a woman embraces and enjoys her femininity she radiates a brilliant Light from within; men become like a moth to this Light.
So, there you have it.
Coming Soon!
The Sweet and Juicy Woman TeleSeminar. In this seminar you'll learn:- What makes men absolutely adore a woman
- How to be a Being of Light and how it transforms your relationship with men
- How to amp up your magnetic ability to attract
- The power of standing in your Feminine Power
- How to feel good naked
- What men really want from women sexually
- and more!
Have you let yourself go? Do you too often feel like the Invisible Woman in the room? For one-on-one coaching or a one time consultation about your personal style, visit www.DeBoraRicks.com, go to the Contact Page and send me a message.
DeBora M. Ricks, Author of Love Addicted: One Woman's Spiritual JournJey through Emotional Dependency and the upcoming book, Why Did He Break Up With Me? Lessons in Love, Loss and Letting Go. To read excerpts and buy copies, go to www.DeBoraRicks.com
hi debora you hit that right on target. we as woman at times find it hard to be too sexy because we worry how other woman, not men are going to judge us or stare us down, i say let them and just maybe they will get a little extra spark in themselves. im over 40 and loving my curves as the men are loving them as well. even the woman are commenting on how something is fitting nicely. so i say to your readers go out and get your hair done put a little lip gloss on and switch those hips with confidence and you can bet they will also get that stare down as well. i just love reading your material
ReplyDeleteThanks Michelle. I appreciate your "love" for my "material." I understand the whole thing about not wanting to be so hot that other women will "stare" you down, that is, be jealous of you. But you know what, it's not for us to shrink so other people can feel good about themselves. Like you said, our being all that we can be tends to inspire other women to be all that they can be. I for one love being a woman and it seems I'm loving it more and more. Sounds like you are too. Way to go! Hope you keep reading and please subscribe as well. Smooches!